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ACROSS NH - ACROSS NH is a project dedicated to supporting afterschool professionals in their work to create high quality, innovative programs for New Hampshire’s school-age children during out-of-school time hours. Thanks to funding from the Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration, they provide technical assistance and professional development opportunities to afterschool providers throughout the year.


Afterschool Alliance - To expand support for quality afterschool programs, the Afterschool Alliance works with agencies, elected officials, businesses, 50 state afterschool networks, community leaders, and program providers across the nation. We’re in touch with more than 25,000 afterschool program partners and our publications reach more than 65,000 interested individuals every month.


Big Brothers Big Sisters - Since 1966, Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Hampshire has been changing lives - one friendship at a time. Mentoring gives youth the inspiration and confidence needed to achieve their dreams, provides parents with a network of support, and offers volunteers the opportunity to make a big difference in someone else's life, just by having fun!


Granite YMCA - The Granite YMCA creates a community where all are welcome and builds a healthy spirit, mind, and body based on the values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.


Key Collective/#areUincard - The KEY Collective envisions every child without the financial means having the same opportunities available to their peers, available to them, without any social stigma attached.


Mott Foundation - Mott works to increase access to quality educational opportunities for all children — particularly those from low-income families and underserved communities.


Students who attend afterschool and summer programs are better prepared for work and life. They attend school more, make gains in reading and math, improve their grades and have higher graduation rates. And they develop positive social skills and improve their behavior during the school day.


Mott's interest in afterschool and summer learning programs spans 80 years of support, from the early development of community schools through their partnership with the U.S. Department of Education’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers program. Now serving more than 1.6 million children and youth at 11,000 sites across the country, these local programs provide a wealth of practical information and data on the impact of and need for afterschool and summer learning opportunities.


Mott is dedicated to making afterschool and summer learning programs available for every child and family who needs them. Through their support of afterschool networks in all 50 states, as well as key national education organizations, their grantmaking helps to inform policies, develop partnerships and shape practices that will sustain and increase the quality of local programs across the U.S.


Currently, their grantmaking focuses on three areas: Building an afterschool infrastructure; fostering afterschool policy, and improving afterschool quality and innovation.


National Afterschool Association - NAA is the membership association for professionals who work with children and youth in diverse school and community-based settings to provide a wide variety of extended learning opportunities and care during out-of-school hours. NHAN is the NH State Affiliate for NAA and works to share opportunities and knowledge from the national afterschool discussion with NH afterschool professionals in the field.




NH Dept of Education 21st Century Community Learning Center Program - The 21st Century Community Learning Center program awards competitive grants for expanded academic enrichment opportunities for children attending high poverty schools. Tutorial services and academic enrichment activities are designed to help students meet local and state academic standards in subjects such as reading and math. In addition, programs may provide youth development activities, drug and violence prevention programs, technology education programs, art, music and recreation, counseling, and character education to enhance the academic component of the program.


SERESC - Founded in 1974, the Southeastern Regional Educational Service Center (SERESC) is a non-profit consortium of award-winning consultants and programs serving the largest student population in the state, either through direct services to children or to the professionals who work with them.




New Hampshire Afterschool Network

165 S River Rd, Suite F

Bedford, NH 03110




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