We bring together the brightest minds from across the state to improve funding for and access to OST and summer learning programs.
Identifying and cultivating relationships to benefit OST professionals and improve program quality
Building partnerships to champion OST issues
We provide tools and resources to help OST providers be their very best (so youth get the most out of their experiences!)
Showcasing NH OST programs and youth development staff
Connecting OST professionals to resources through effective outreach
Identifying and sharing grant and funding opportunities
Sharing Conference and Professional Development opportunities
We listen to the field and work together to advocate for solutions that make the greatest impact.
Monitoring legislation that impacts OST and summer programming
Monitoring state and federal budgets, committee hearings, and elections
Increasing awareness on the impact of OST on NH youth and families
Meeting with legislators to provide improve knowledge related to OST and summer learning issues
Afterschool Programs in New Hampshire
Learn more about the priorities and future of Afterschool Programs in New Hampshire.